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Process Principle and Requirements of High-Gloss Injection Molding

As a professional injection molding manufacturer, JS Precision understands the importance of meeting the needs and expectations of our customers. One of the most requested finishes is high-gloss, which requires specific processes and requirements to achieve the desired result. In this article, we will provide an in-depth analysis of the process principle and requirements of high-gloss injection molding.

Process Principle

High-gloss injection molding is a process that involves the use of a highly polished mold surface and the application of a high-quality resin. The process involves injecting the resin into the mold cavity, allowing it to cool and solidify, and then ejecting the finished product. The key to achieving a high-gloss finish is in the mold surface quality and the resin used.

Mold Surface Quality

The mold surface must be highly polished and free of any defects or imperfections. Any scratch or imperfection on the mold surface will be reflected on the finished product, which will affect its overall appearance. Achieving a high-gloss finish requires a mold surface with a mirror-like polish and a uniform surface finish.

Resin Selection

The resin used in high-gloss injection molding must be of high quality and have specific properties to achieve a high-gloss finish. The resin must have a low viscosity to allow it to flow easily into the mold cavity and fill any intricate details. It must also have a low shrinkage rate to prevent any warping or distortion of the finished product.


To achieve a high-gloss finish, certain requirements must be met during the injection molding process. These requirements include:

Injection Pressure

The injection pressure used during the process must be carefully controlled to prevent any defects in the finished product. High injection pressure can cause the resin to fill the mold cavity too quickly, which can result in voids or sink marks on the finished product. The pressure used must be balanced to ensure the resin fills the cavity uniformly.

Mold Temperature

The mold temperature is critical to achieve a high-gloss finish. The temperature must be precisely controlled to ensure the resin cools and solidifies uniformly, preventing any warping or distortion of the finished product. The mold temperature also affects the resin’s flow properties, and any variation can result in defects in the finished product.

Cooling Time

The cooling time of the resin is crucial to achieve a high-gloss finish. The resin must be allowed to cool and solidify completely before the finished product is ejected from the mold. If the resin is ejected too early, it can cause deformation or warping, resulting in a less-than-desirable finish. The cooling time must be sufficient to ensure the resin is completely solidified.


In conclusion, achieving a high-gloss finish in injection molding requires a precise and controlled process. The mold surface must be highly polished, and the resin used must have specific properties to achieve the desired result. Meeting the requirements during the injection molding process is critical to achieving a high-quality finish. At JS Precision, we understand the importance of meeting our customers’ needs and expectations, and we strive to deliver high-quality products with a high-gloss finish.

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